


entity.get_local(): entity

Returns a pointer to the local player.


entity.get_player_by_index(player_index: number): entity

Returns a pointer to the specified player.


entity.get_weapon_by_player(player: entity): weapon

Returns a pointer to the player's weapon entity.


entity.get_players(ignore_team: boolean): table

Returns the table of pointers to entities.



<entity>:get_animstate(): table


m_flUpVelocity m_bInHitGroundAnimation m_bOnGround m_fDuckAmount m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething m_flCurrentFeetYaw m_flCurrentTorsoYaw m_flEyeYaw m_flFeetCycle m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways m_flFeetYawRate m_flGoalFeetYaw m_flHeadHeightOrOffsetFromHittingGroundAnimation m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime m_flLastOriginZ m_flLeanAmount m_flMovingFraction m_flPitch m_flSpeedNormalized m_flStopToFullRunningFraction m_flTimeSinceStartedMoving m_flTimeSinceStoppedMoving m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount m_velocity m_vLastOrigin m_vOrigin m_vVelocityX m_vVelocityY


<anim_state>:max_desync_delta(): number

Returns the player animstate.


<entity>:get_animlayer(index: number): table


m_bClientBlend m_flBlendIn m_flCycle m_flPlaybackRate m_flPrevCycle m_flWeight m_flWeightDeltaRate m_nDispatchSequence m_nOrder m_nSequence

Returns the player animlayer.


<entity>:get_sequence_activity(sequence: number): number

Returns the player sequence activity.


<entity>:get_name(): string

Returns the player name.


<entity>:get_weapons(index: number): weapon

Returns a table containing pointers to every weapon entity the player is currently carrying.


<entity>:get_index(): number

Returns the index of the player.


<entity>:get_dormant(): boolean

Returns true, if the player is dormant.


<entity>:get_team(): number

Returns the player team number.


<entity>:is_alive(): boolean

Returns true, if the player is alive.


<entity>:get_velocity(): vector

Returns the velocity vector of the player.


<entity>:get_absorigin(): vector

Returns the absolute position vector of the player.


<entity>:get_angles(): vector

Returns the angles of the player.


<entity>:get_player_hitbox_pos(): vector

Returns the position of the specified hitbox.


<entity>:get_muzzle_pos(): vector

Returns the position of the muzzle.


<entity>:get_player_bone_pos(): vector

Returns the position of the specified bone.


<entity>:get_shoot_pos(): vector

Returns the position of the shoot.


<entity>:has_heavy_arm(): vector

Returns true, if the player has heavy armor


<entity>:is_scoped(): vector

Returns true, if the player is scoped.


<entity>:get_health(): vector

Returns the player health.


<entity>:get_bbox(): table

Returns a table containing x, y, w, and h values.


<entity>:get_body_yaw(): number

Returns the player body yaw.


<entity>:m_flposeparameter()[index: number]: number

Returns the player pose parameters.


<entity>:set_render_pose(index: number, value: number)

cheat.push_callback("on_frame_net", function(stage)
    if (stage == enum_frames.frame_start) then
        local player = entity.get_local()
        if (player == nil or not player:is_alive()) then
        local flags = player:get_prop_int("CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags")
        local on_ground = bit.band(flags, 1) == 1
        if (not on_ground) then
            player:set_render_pose(6, 1) --> Static legs

Sets the values of the pose parameters.


<entity>:draw_hitbox(hitbox: number, col: color, duration: number, ignore_z: boolean)

Draws a specific player hitbox.


<entity>:set_model_index(index: number)

Sets the index of the model to the player.


<entity>:get_model(): model

Returns the player model.

Getting prop values

<entity>:get_prop_int(class_name: string, prop_name: string): number

Setting prop values

<entity>:set_prop_int(class_name: string, prop_name: string, value: number)

Last updated